A LYDNEY couple have received a certificate of appreciation from the Regimental Association of the Rifles and the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment at a recent presentation in Taunton.

Bob Walker took over as chair of the Forest of Dean branch in 2010 and has been backed up in all his efforts by his wife Marian.

A spokesperson for the association said: “Bob has endeavoured to make the branch a happy, thriving group.

“He arranged for a Korean oak sapling to be planted in Bathurst Park, Lydney in 2013 in memory of those Glosters who fought and lost their lives in the ‘forgotten’ Korean War.

“One of the members Roy Mills, who lives in Cinderford, fought in Korea and was a prisoner of war. Bob thinks he’s the last one from the Forest of Dean.

“Bob liaised with Mike Houghton MBE, formerly of the Glosters, to supply the Korean oak sapling and Forest of Dean Stone supplied a plinth with an etched brass plaque. The Mayor of Lydney attended the unveiling of the Korean oak, Royal British Legion standard bearers were present at the ceremony and 1 Rifles at Beachley Barracks provided a bugler for the occasion.”

“Bob’s efforts were supported by his wife Marian, who provided refreshments at the Royal British Legion Club, Lydney, after the ceremony. Each April members hold a ceremony of remembrance at the Korean oak.

“Bob arranged various trips for members and as a result the branch has evolved into a close knit group of friends who contact and care for each other. Marian helps Bob at the monthly meetings by collecting money for the lunches and raffles. In other words they are a team.

“Due to Bob’s efforts the branch has increased in its membership and is also welcoming members from other regiments.”

Bob said: “We were shocked and surprised to win the award, but it’s nice to know we’re thought of. It was an honour to receive this, but we don’t do it for recognition, we do it to help everybody and I really appreciate everybody at the branch – we’re good together.”