May I reply to the letter Wild Boar ( Review, December 20).

It was stated: "Wild boar were not officially reinstated in this area. they were escapees."

I believe they were unofficially released, although the reintroduction of wild boar, whose extinction was due to man has been discussed by conservationists.

"The wild boar are decimating the verges and gardens": This is, and has been, a working Forest for hundreds of years, it would have been a muddy, dirty and disease ridden place.

Land owners are responsible for keeping animals out be it boar sheep or deer.

"And are willing to attack": No wild animal is willing to attack for fear of getting injured. They do so for food or to protect themselves or their young.

Is it safe to walk in the woods? Yes, according to Kent County Council who inform through a notice that: "Wild boar are not regarded as a danger to the public. However injured or distressed animals should not be approached."

Dogs on the other hand, especially those out of control have the potential to attack humans. domestic and wild animals. and to inflict horrific injuries, yet I see them everywhere, in the woods, in peoples homes, even in cars.

"Their natural predators are tigers": Forest wild boar are European, range Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands. Switzerland. Austria. western Czechoslovakia, western Poland, and southern Denmark. As far as I am aware tigers are not found in these countries.

So, Forest resident (you must be a foreigner) may I suggest you, and those like you. leave this area and return home, (this will never be your home).

Let those of us who were born and reside here enjoy the Forest, its beauty and wildlife.

– A Forester born and bred.