Since we were offered the chance to vote in a Referendum on Brexit I, like many people, have become more politically aware. 

As many others in the Forest of Dean, I voted Leave. 

I knew that our local MP, Mark Harper, at that time Chief Whip, voted Remain.

However, Mr Harper has abided by the majority of his constituents’ wishes (of whichever party) and has voted many times to try to reflect this. 

This was undoubtedly very difficult for someone who had always been loyal to his party.  I commend him for his actions.

We are fortunate in the Forest of Dean that we have a Member of Parliament who listens to his constituents.

 A disturbing development in modern politics, both local and national, is the role of unelected officials who seemingly control policy – such as occurs here at Lydney Town Council.

– C Brown, Lydney.