THESE are exciting and potentially life-changing times in the Forest of Dean, especially for parents, children and young people.
As a parent and concerned community member, regarding the threat to the Five Acres site, I attended the public meeting at Berry Hill RFC last Tuesday. The rugby club was full, and a real sense of community togetherness prevailed by those attending.
The debate about the options for the site was discussed and debated. Cllr Patrick Molyneux, leader of the council and cabinet member for regeneration, particularly the four towns (let's introduce car parking!), stated that the Forest of Dean District Council had no influence over the future of the site and particularly the college. My goodness - what a shocking admission to make. To suggest that he and his administration have no influence on the future of the site, beggars belief.
I would suggest Cllr Molyneux, that you and your cabinet disappear. Let's have councillors who are prepared to be advocates for the community, and make sure that we do influence such important decisions, especially those that affect our children and young people.
Cllr Terry Hale, cabinet member for community, astounded the meeting by threatening those gathered, that effectively, if they do not 'toe the line' with Greg Smith (principal of the college) then the college would be moved out of the forest.
Pandemonium ensued after this threat from Cllr Hale, and this is all the more alarming as he is also county councillor for Coleford, and is meant to be a 'champion for the area'. I would hope, not for much longer.
It is scary in the extreme that councillors such as Molyneux and Hale are making everyday decisions, which affect us all in the Forest of Dean. A suggestion that a vote of no confidence in the cabinet was met with approval by the meeting. I for one hope that this takes place now - come on the other elected district councillors, we deserve better than this, and you have the power to change the dictatorial and damaging regime.
It was suggested that Greg Smith was running the Forest of Dean District Council – one wonders. Peter Hibberd, strategic director for Forest of Dean District Council, was questioned about his roles in three areas i.e. Forest of Dean District Council, Five Acres College and involved in the Northern Quarter decisions. He stated that there was no conflict of interest? He reminded me of a rabbit caught in headlights.
Jamie Elsmore and Sue Merrikin are to be applauded for their energy and passion and thankfully we do have district councillors who are supportive and working on behalf of the community (Councillors Edey, McMahon and Stewart). The FANS group have ignited a spark in the community of West Dean and Coleford, and I for one will be joining them on their protest march on June 23.
One common theme prevails throughout and that is the lack of consultation, debate and engagement with communities by the present Forest of Dean District Council administration. Haven't we heard this before – car parking, waste management etc? The main concern is the education of our children and young people, who are being badly let down by the current indecision. Unless we as parents and adults fight for our children's rights then we are failing them. The future is in our hands.
It's time for change, and for communities across the Forest of Dean to be heard – as I said, exciting times ahead.
– Beccy Canon, Long Standing.