SAVOY audiences were swept away by Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado – just as theatregoers were when Three Little Maids From School Are We got its first airing at the London theatre of the same name almost 140 years ago.
The award-winning Monmouth Music Theatre headed for the Land of the Rising Sun to wow packed houses in four shows at the town theatre, with audience members describing the performance as "wonderful", "brilliant" and “amazing”.

One theatregoer posted: "Saw this wonderful show tonight. I loved everything from start to finish."
Another called it a "fabulous show with a fantastic cast and orchestra".
"Wow! Everyone was amazing. We loved every aspect. It was such a treat!" added one.

And another posted: "The sound coming from the stage in the finale was so powerful it moved me to tears!"
"Congratulations on another absolutely superb production. I've had The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring Tra-La lurking in my head ever since!" said a further post.

And one more added: "An amazing performance last night. It's over 50 years since I last saw The Mikado. It didn't disappoint. The comedy of Ko-Ko and Katisha and the excellent voices of Yum-Yum and her friends."
Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic tale of wandering minstrel Nanki-Poo (played by Meriwether Maturin) returning home to marry his beloved Yum-Yum (Christine Borg), was first performed in March 1885 at London's Savoy and ran for over 670 performances – a record at the time.

He finds she is already betrothed to Ko-Ko (David Harris), the Lord High Executioner, while the Mikado (played by Stuart Robinson with an “air of benign menace”) is coming to visit and has issued the town a grisly ultimatum: execute one of your own within a month, or face Irretrievable Ruin…
A ‘cunning plan’ to win back Yum Yum's hand and keep their heads is hatched under the beady eyes of town officials Pooh-Bah (played as suitably "haughty" by director Adrian Bevan) and Pish-Tush (Haydn Holder), while the “terrifying” Katisha (Dominique Walker) lurks in the wings.

Rhian Hathaway as Yum Yum's friend Pitti-Sing, and Keri Russell as her sister Peep-Bo also brought a "feisty spirit and sense of fun” to their roles.
Adrian as director was also ably assisted by musical director Ruth Friend and accompanist/répétiteur Helen Stidolph, along with co-stage managers Tony Wells and Tim Warmington-Gardiner.

But after another triumphant show for the 36-year-old MMT, there won't be much time for basking in the applause, as rehearsals will soon get under way for their Spring 2025 musical, The Addams Family from April 2-5.

Anyone wanting to get involved can contact MMT through their Facebook page at or email them at [email protected]