Coleford florist Claire Weston is celebrating the 35th anniversary of the shop set up by her parents.

Mike and Barbara Weston set up BMC Weston – which stands for Barbara, Michael, Claire – in 1989 after Mr Weston had been made redundant.

Ms Weston started helping out in the shop in St John Street while she was a pupil at Lakers School and took over running it about 10 years ago.

To mark the coral anniversary, she ran a competition to win a bouquet.

She said: “My father and mother started on a stall in Coleford market in the early 80s.”

“(When the Co-op was built) my father had a stall outside the Feathers pub for about 15 years.

“He was made redundant in 1988 and set up the shop with my mum in 1989.

“I used to come in after I came home from school and help and on weekends.

“When I left school I went to Holme Lacey College to study floristry for three years.

“I became a partner in my 20s and took over mainly about 10 years ago when my dad got Alzheimers and my mum decided to retire.

“You have to cater for people and make sure they’re the priority on that day.

I like making people happy. If people go out the door happy, I’m happy.

“I’ve made loads of friends through the shop.”

Her step-daughter Aimee also helps out in the shop.

Claire says her particular favourite flower is the Red Naomi rose.