THE owners of two missing black, white and tan Jack Russell terriers are asking for any information that may help to get them home.

They are desperate to find the pets which strayed away from a garden at Bull's Hill, Walford, near Ross, on Sunday March 16 and have not been seen since.

"They have gone off on their own before and always came back, but we do try not to let them out together because of this tendency. If they are on their own they don't wander," said the owner's daughter.

"We are particularly keen to ask people in the Forest if they have seen anything of them. They could still be wandering, but we are also worried they may have been taken. They did not have collars on but they have been microchipped."

The family has put up posters round the area asking for help and offering a reward for any information that gets Freddie and Dusty safely home. She can be contacted on 07717 570001 or 07879 841932.