THE GLOUCESTERSHIRE County Council (GCC) fostering team are inviting residents to join them at a fostering event this weekend, May 10 and May 11. 

The Fostering Outreach event starts Friday May 10 from 10am to 8pm, followed by Saturday May 11 from 10am to 7pm, inside Gloucester Quays (near The Fragrance Shop and Levi.)

The event will feature members of the fostering service support teams and current foster carers. However, this event is more than just a meet and greet. 

It is hosted with Red Door Media and will be used to launch a 60 second film to raise awareness of fostering, and the need for more local foster carers. 

Support teams will be available on both days to share information and answer questions from anyone who is interested in fostering for the county council.

Cllr Stephen Davies, cabinet member for children’s safeguarding and early years at Gloucestershire County Council said: “We are looking for more local families and individuals interested in fostering for the county council, so that children who aren’t able to live with their birth family can stay within their communities, at their school and close to family and friends.

“I would encourage anyone who is curious about fostering to join us at Gloucester Quays this Friday and Saturday where we’ll have foster carers who can answer your questions and share their insights into this rewarding role. 

“The fostering team will also be on hand to tell you about the training, support, and financial package available to foster carers. 

“Alternatively, you can contact us now for a conversation about whether joining our local fostering family could be for you. If you have space in your heart and your home, with a desire to make a positive difference in a child’s life, please get in touch.”

GCC said: “Whether you are employed or not, you live alone or as part of a family, if you are interested in fostering, we would love to hear from you.”

If you want to find out more about fostering before the event, you can call the team on 01242 532654 or go online.