The judges at Bream Show were kept busy with a wealth of entries.

Local growers and crafters made it a bumper turn-out for the 158th show organised by the Bream Gardening Society on Saturday (August 19th).

The following day thThe prestigious Royal Horticultural Society Banksian Medal for the highest number of points in the growing classes went to John Baker.

Trudi Breadman won four cups for her flowers and vegetables.

Flower arranger Ann Middleton also won four cups – including the BGS Summer Cup for the best exhibit across all sections.

Show president Mrs Diana Standing said she was delighted with the turn-out and the many new names on the cups.

She said: “This year has been a much better growing year but its not been without it challenges with a wet, cold Spring and then a drought. 

“Then we had rain and wind but people have produced and we’ve kept going.

“We have a lot of new people entering and a lot of new winners instead of having the  same people win which is always encouraging.”

Mrs Standing also thanked the sports club and Bream Rugby Club for their assistance.

She said: “The Sports Club is so supportive and the rugby club came and helped put up the tent so we have a good community spirit going here.”

As well as the flowers, vegetables, craft and cookery on show, there were also many stalls set up by local organisations and businesses.

Show-goers were also invited to guess the weight of a condensed milk cake made by Christine Ely.

Helen Thackaway was just two grams over with her estimate of 1.57kgs.