HAVING been the recipient of a letter dated April 7 from an organisation calling itself Meeting Place Communications regarding a public consultation for proposed development in Sedbury, with the letter clearly giving the impression that outline permission is already in place which is not so.

The letter doesn't give any details of further housing development opposite Wyedean School made possible by closing the primary school and creating an enormous shared campus at Wyedean School. I am told this has already been discussed with the LEA and the local two heads of schools. I am writing to express my great concern that any organisation should even be considering a development in the open countryside adjacent to Wyedean School.

I wish to place on record my objection to this proposal, in the strongest possible terms. Any development of the land concerned must be resisted for the following reasons:

•The land in question is outside the settlement boundary.

•The local road network is already overloaded and would not be able to cope with any additional load.

•Surface water doesn't drain away in some parts of the area.

•There is currently insufficient water to service 300 or more new dwellings in Sedbury.

•Crime at last is decreasing in the area. Statistics show areas of concentrated housing comes with an increase in crime.

•The proposal to build shops is not financially sustainable even with 400 houses to be served.

Whilst I appreciate that the council cannot express an opinion for fear of prejudicing their future position I would have thought there is an obligation on behalf of the council to keep the residents of the parish aware of any proposals.

I am very suspicious of the motives behind this consultation. I believe the developer is trying to draw the parish council and the people of the parish into discussing a proposal that has no validity in planning terms, in order to give some credence to their plans.

Anyone attending meetings or workshops arranged by Meeting Place Communications must be on their guard so that, if they are asked to complete a questionnaire or answer questions verbally, they convey the most negative response possible. This proposal must be resisted at every opportunity or our parish will be swamped. – Alan S Linegar, Sedbury.