THE storm-hit Monmouth Lantern Parade which had to postponed last Friday has been rescheduled to the Friday before Christmas (December 20).
Organisers of the popular annual event, which replaced the candlelit parade and attracts more than a thousand people, said on Friday morning they were saddened to say “we have made the difficult decision to postpone the lantern parade”.

“With the Storm Darragh weather warnings in place, we could not safely go ahead and we also wouldn’t want people to come out in such bad weather.
“Thank you to everyone who has worked with us and supported us in the planning of this event – we really appreciate it.”

Town centre pubs and businesses will have lost out through the postponement of the event, which pulls in huge crowds to Monnow Street and Agincourt Square.

But organisers have now rescheduled the event for a week on Friday, gathering at 6pm at the old Monnow Bridge, for a 6.30pm parade to the square.