AS a past resident of Lydney, I was appalled on a recent visit to see what has taken place around Lydney Lake.

In addition to three unsightly structures labelled  ‘bug hotels’ – but  which look more like funeral pyres or compost heaps – this area is now  covered by weeds and all enclosed by nasty plastic tape, which I assume is not biodegradable and certainly not environmentally-friendly.

I understand from talking to other people of the same opinion as me that these have been in place since early May.  

I remember this area as a convenient spot to park and look at the wild­life. What went wrong?

These bug hotels have obviously been positioned in the wrong location and are of the wrong design, (try Googling bug hotels).  

These may attract a few creepy-crawlies such as spiders, wood louse and earwigs but not insects that need help such as bumble bees and solitary bees.

This design will  undoubtedly provide an ideal breeding haven for rats and other vermin.  

Also the dry composition is a dangerous fire hazard, being situated next to highly flammable trees, and houses.  

It only needs a spark from a cigarette or firework to cause a disaster. I hope Lydney Trust has good insurance.

Are Lydney Council Tax payers really happy with this eyesore and loss of parking amenity? Biodiversity is a fine ideal and should be encouraged, but in the right place – not next to  a road where pedestrians and vehicles pass.  

There are other areas around the lake which are far more suitable, such as by the picnic area.

Did Lydney Recreation Trust members understand what they were authorising by this deplorable decision?  

Like most small councils, it’s easy to spend hard-pressed  Council Tax payers’ money on poorly thought-out schemes.

– Disappointed visitor, Devon.