THE headlines in the Forest Review regarding Lydney Town Council (LTC) do not surprise me. 

For many years I have written to both papers concerning the number of resignations from the LTC since 2011, now we have two more casualties. 

One main concern has been the “delegated powers” bestowed on the Town Clerk (TC), Mrs Smailes. 

This has meant that the councillors have transferred a lot of their responsibilities to the TC, even private and confidential letters addressed to specific councillors having to go through her office, of which I have personal experience. 

Mr Pearman, the former Mayor, who himself has resigned from LTC, stated that the TC ‘was an impartial officer’. 

This is a disputed fact and one which has not appeared obvious to the layman. 

It appears that former councillor Mr Ives made mistakes as the event lead of the Party in the Park. 

However, from the newspaper reports and the draft minutes of the extraordinary council meeting on July 15, it seems that the e-mails from the TC to him were nothing more than aggressive. 

These e-mails were described by Cllr Carr as “vitriolic and overused exclamation marks and question marks” and  Cllr Leach voiced agreement with Cllr Carr that the e-mail from the TC had been aggressive and it was not the first time he had cause to complain over the TC’s approach regarding communications.

He said “that if the TC could not see her approach as aggressive, the personnel committee should look at providing suitable training to the TC.” 

With respect Cllr Leach, Lydney rate payers have already paid £16,000 plus expenses including the cost of flying, for the TC to undertake an Edinburgh University course on entrepreneurial management. 

Surely this course alone should have included communication technique.

We do not want to pay for more further education, even if required.

Should our over-taxed ratepayers now expect reimbursement by the TC personally as how has this education benefited the community?

I sympathise with the TC if she suffering from stress. 

However, what has also to be considered is the untold, needless stress that has been inflicted on others by her actions. 

Are councillors aware of this, which has not only been at a personal cost to residents but also to the taxpayers on the thousands of pounds spent on legal advice taken with solicitors by the TC pursuing several issues?  

One case in particular was against an experienced councillor which was later dropped by the TC – what a waste of money.

The present Quality Gold status of Lydney Town Council is soon due for re-accreditation. 

Of course, with the LTC now in disarray this must be seriously in doubt. 

Indeed, this must now be the opportune time for an investigation into the underlying and deep seated reasons for this continual confrontation and unrest.  However, this would take time. In the meantime perhaps consideration needs to be given for LTC to be placed into “special measures”. – Gordon Blake, Lydney.