WE ALL know that it’s been a tough couple of years and our communities have been pushed to their limits - but as always, times of adversity have brought out the very best in people.

Over the past few years, we have all seen friends, neighbours and more often, complete strangers, rise above the challenges to make life a bit better for those around them.

People like the 90 year old man who puts out his neighbour’s bins, the mother and daughter who baked and delivered afternoon teas during for people who couldn’t get out during the pandemic and the woman who helps run a club for disabled children, making their lives so much better.

Online nomination issues

Due to the large numbers of nominations we have received, some people may have experienced issues with our online nomination form.

If you have used the online form and not yet received a confirmation email and invitation for you and your nominee to Wednesday's awards ceremony, please re-submit your nomination to Heather Wood or contact us on 01594 841113

These and many more are among those nominated for the Review’s first ever Community Hero ‘thank you’ award and over the past few weeks our judging panel made up of the paper’s editor Liz Davies, advertising manager Heather  Wood and Lydney Mayor, Cllr Tasha Saunders have read so many of their inspirations stories.

They have been moved by the reports of these and so many others, like the good neighbour who looks after those who need a bit of extra help, the chef who uses his culinary skills to help local charities, the Scout leader who has devoted more than 20 years to helping local youngsters and the local teenager who has raised more than £30,000 for charity despite his own serious health struggles.

Look out over the next couple of weeks as we tell more of their inspirational stories both in the paper and online

Our first ever awards campaign coincides with this year’s National Thank You Day on July 2 and  will conclude with a special event to be held at Lydney Town Hall on Wednesday, July 5 when the awards will be presented. 

With thank you day in mind, everyone at the Review would like to say a massive THANK YOU to all of our readers  who have taken the time to nominate their local heroes.

“We have been overwhelmed by the number of people who have taken the time to write in or visit our website to nominate their heroes,” said editor Liz Davies

“They all make our community the very special place it is and deserve a big Thank You from us!”

“We can’t wait for next Wednesday when we get to meet so many of those who have been nominated and reveal who our award winners are,” said Heather Wood.

“We’d also like to thank all of those who have supported us by sponsoring one of our awards and of course say thank you to Lydney Town Council and Cllr Saunders and Lydney Town Hall Trust who have given us amazing help to bring the event together” she added.

“Huge thanks also to everyone who has donated a raffle prize and to the florists who have donated floral arrangements for the tables, which we will be auctioning after the event to raise money for Lydney Town Hall and another local charity to be decided after the event.”

“If you are coming along to the event on Wednesday and represent a business, don’t forget to bring a business card to drop into our special Prosecco draw!,” said Heather.